Leopard and het Leopard
One of our holdback Leopard females, Ony, gave birth to a very small litter of 1 Leopard and 1 het Leopard, along with 3 slugs. This was her first litter and she was bred by a het Leopard holdback, Xavier, that was born here in 2011. This was our last litter for 2015, and we are already looking forward to some great pairings for 2015-2016!
More Info July 6, 2015
Probable Super Hypo Leopards
Our Hypo het Leopard, Lucille, gave birth to 3 probable Super Hypo Leopards, 2 possible Super Hypo het Leopards, and 1 het Leopard. I think that the Hypo Leopards are supers because they definitely do not look like any Hypo Leopards I have produced before! She was bred by one of our Hypo Leopards, Blaze.
More Info June 30, 2015

Pastel Anery Motleys and Pastels
Our Motley het Anery, Laverne, gave birth to 13 babies (the same number of babies as last year). She had 2 Pastel Anerys, 3 Pastel Anery Motleys, 2 Motley het Anerys, and 5 Pastel het Anerys. She was bred by Frick, our 2010 pastel Anery.
More Info June 3, 2015
Pastel Anery and a Hypo Jungle
Finally! After two slugout litters, we finally have some 2015 babies! On May 23, 2015 our Pastel het Anery, Frack, gave birth to 1 Pastel Anery, 1 Hypo Jungle 66% het Anery, 1 Hypo 66% het Anery, 2 Pastels 66% het Anery, and 1 66% het Anery. She was bred by Tarzan, a Hypo Jungle het Anery.

Ghost Jungle Motleys, Hypo Jungle Motleys, and Jungles
Our Motley het Anery, Laverne, had a litter of 13 babies. She was bred by Tarzan, our Hypo Jungle het Anery, and gave birth to 3 Jungles 66% het Anery, 1 66% Anery, 1 Hypo 66% het Anery, 1 Anery Motley, 5 Hypo Jungle Motleys 66% het Anery, and 2 Ghost Jungle Motleys - a nice lucky 13 litter!

Hypo Eclipse, Eclipses, and Leopard Boas
Our Motley het Leopard female, Dot, had a litter of 9 babies. She was bred by a Hypo Leopard, Blaze, and gave birth to 3 het Leopards, 1 Leopard, 1 Motley het Leopard, 1 Hypo Motley het Leopard, 2 Eclipses, and 1 Hypo Eclipse. These are only the second and third Hypo Eclipses to be born anywhere, so I am definitely happy!

Russian T+ (Blonde) Albino Boa
Our DH Sharp Albino and Russian T+ Blonde Albino, Betty, gave birth to a small but very healthy litter of 4. One is a Russian T+ Albino 66% het Sharp Albino, and 3 66% DH Sharp & Russian T+ Blonde were born. You can definitely tell which one is the Russian T+!
More Info June 4, 2014
Eclipse Boas
The first litter of our 2014 breeding season finally arrived. Our DH Leopard, Lucille, gave birth to a litter of 15 babies that were all full-term and nice and healthy. 4 66% het Leopards, 2 Motleys 66% het Leopard, 1 Hypo 66% het Leopard, 5 Hypo Motleys 66% het Leopard, 1 VERY interesting ghost-like looking baby, and 2 Eclipses (Colombian Motley Leopards) were born. No Hypo Eclipses were in this litter, but I have another pregnant female that hopefully will produce some Hypo Eclipses.

The First Hypo Eclipse Boa In The World!
Our DH Leopard, Lucille, gave birth to a litter of 18 very healthy babies. 2 66% het Leopards, 7 Motleys 66% het Leopard, 2 Hypo 66% het Leopards, 2 Hypo Motley 66% het Leopards, 2 Hypo Leopards, 2 Leopards, and one of the babies was a Hypo Eclipse! This is the first time a Hypo Eclipse has been born in the world!

A Visual Sharp and Russian T+ (Blonde) Albino Boa?
Our DH Sharp Albino and Russian T+ Blonde Albino, Betty, gave birth to a small but very healthy litter of 5. One is a Sharp Albino and Russian T+ (showing both traits I believe), and 4 66% DH Sharp & Russian T+ Blonde were born. It would have been nice to have a couple Russian T+'s (Blonde T+'s), but there is always next time...
More Info April 11, 2013
The First Eclipse Boa in the World!
The first Eclipse Boa (Leopard Colombian Motley) in the world was born - what a way to end our breeding season! Dot, our Colombian Motley het Leopard female, was bred by Smoke, our Leopard male. She had 4 Leopards, 1 het Leopard, 1 Motley het Leopard, and 1 VERY special Leopard Colombian Motley. I have named this new boa morph the Eclipse Boa. He is a solid black boa and is pictured to the right. A solid red boa (adding the hypo gene), or a solid white boa (adding the albino gene), or a solid silver boa (anery gene) might be a future possibility. The future is looking bright, or in this case dark!

Visual Blood Boas 50% Hog Island
Our het Blood 50% Hog Island, Charlotte, dropped her litter of 19 babies. 3 were Bloods 50% Hog Island, and 16 were 66% het Bloods 50% Hog Island. Pictures of the colorful litter can be found here.
More Info June 14, 2012
Ghost het Sharp Albino Boa
Our Albino possible het Anery, Pinky, had a small litter of 5, and she proved to be het Anery! She was bred by Tarzan, our Hypo Jungle het Anery, and there was a Ghost het Sharp Albino in the litter (1 in 16 odds!!!). Hopefully he is a Jungle too.
More Info May 14, 2012
Sugar Pastel Boas!
Our large female pastel, Sunset, had a litter of 36 awesome babies! She was bred by Atlas (a Sugar line pastel), and the babies went full term.
More Info April 22, 2012
Hypo Leopard and Leopard Boas
Our DH Leopard, Lucille, had a litter of 14 boas. 6 were Hypo Leopards and 4 of them were Leopards. She was bred by Smoke again, and the babies went full term.
More Info June 28, 2011
Sharp Snow Boas
Cartagena had a litter of 15 boas, with 7 of them being Sharp Snows. She was bred by Blade who was a possible het Anery that proved to be het Anery.
More Info March 29, 2011
A Leopard to Leopard Breeding Produced Leopards
Our Leopard, Onyx, had a litter of 6 Leopards.
More Info October 11, 2010
Leopards and a Hypo Leopard
Our DH Leopard, Lucille, had a litter of 8 boas, 4 of them were Leopards, and 1 was a Hypo Leopard!
More Info June 27, 2010
Anerys Possible Het Sharp
Colombia had a litter of 12 boas, with 5 of them being Anerys 50% het Sharp Albino (het Sharp Snow).
More Info March 26, 2010
Sharp Snow Boas
Cartagena had a litter of 10 boas, with 5 of them being Sharp Snows. Whitesnake again was the sire.
More Info February 20, 2010
Sharp Snows Sired by the First Sharp Snow
Whitesnake, the first Sharp Snow in the world, sired a litter! Cartagena had a litter of 14 boas, with 8 of them being Sharp Snows!
More Info April 23, 2009
Sharp Albino and Anery Boas
We had a litter of 27 boas and unfortunately, no Sharp Snows were in the litter. There were some beautiful Sharp Albino Boas, Anery Boas, and Normal Possible Double Het Boas though.
More Info March 11, 2008
The Second Sharp Snow in the World
We were fortunate to produce the second Sharp Snow Boa in the world.
More Info July 8, 2007
The First Sharp Snow Boa in the World!
We were very lucky to be the first in the world to produce a Sharp Snow Boa Constrictor!

More Info March 20, 2007